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Lincolnshire Alert is the free messaging service in partnership with Lincolnshire OPCC, where you decide when and how you are kept informed about the issues that matter to you.
Sign up to receive important information. Our messages aim to:
Keep you informed

By signing up to Lincolnshire Alert, you will receive local news and community safety information for your area.
Help you stay safe

Messages aim to raise awareness of issues in your area and provide appropriate crime prevention advice.
Give you a voice

Your feedback will enable better understanding of the needs and issues affecting your local community.
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Latest Lincolnshire Alerts

Lincolnshire residents are being asked to remain vigilant after cases of fraudsters posing as police officers have been reported to the police.
Lincolnshire residents are being asked to remain vigilant after cases of fraudsters posing as police...

How your Council Tax will be spent on fighting crime and keeping your community safe
Police and Crime Commissioner Marc Jones and Chief Constable Paul Gibson explain how the extra Counc...

Have you witnessed Antisocial Behaviour? If so report it.
Have you witnessed Antisocial Behaviour? If so report it. Antisocial Behaviour can impact on peopl...

Please share this on
Linc-Eval & Lincolnshire Women and Girls Research Network are conducting research to create an i...
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