Who can you contact about flooding? Report flooding (rivers and sea) Environment Agency 24/7 incident hotline 0800 807060
Advice, before, during and after a flood Floodline 24/7 0345 9881188 www.gov.uk/flood
Surface water flooding help and advice Lincolnshire County Council 01522 782082
If you think a life is in danger call 999
1. Check if you are at risk from flooding Check your long term risk of flooding: www.gov.uk/check-long-term-flood-risk
2. Sign up for free river/sea flood warnings Call: 03459881188 www.gov.uk/sign-up-for-flood-warnings
3. Make a Plan Prepare ✓ Prepare a bag that includes medicines and insurance documents Act ✓ Turn off gas, water and electricity Survive | ||||
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