Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner
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Contacting The Emergency Services When You Are Not Sure Where You Are?

Need to contact the emergency services but not sure where you are?

Emergency services in Lincolnshire use: what3words

With the what3words app, it’s easy to find, share and save precise location

What is what3words?

What3words has divided the globe into 3m squares and given each one a unique 3 word address. It means everywhere can be located with just three words.


For example ///kite.chats.dine will take you to a precise spot in a field next to the River Ouse in York. (Try it but remember to zoom out when you get there)


What3words is available as a free app for iOS and Android and online map at map.what3words.com.


You can find out more about what3words here.



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Message Sent By
Alan Osborne
(Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner Lincolnshire, Safer Together Team, Lincolnshire)

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