Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner
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Heathy Body, Healthy Mind

I am writing to let you know about NWCH and Central Wellness new project: Heathy Body, Healthy Mind


This is a group is fully funded, so attendance is entirely free! 


The group is 2 hours 15 minutes long, running on Monday evenings from 4:30pm, and is a 6 week programme. So, attendees will be expected to attend every week for 6 weeks to gain the full benefit of the programme. 

It is being held at Central Wellness, Crofton Road, Lincoln, LN34Nl. 


Anyone over 18 can attend, and it is aimed at those who have been affected by suicide and/or mental health difficulties, whether this is due to their own personal experiences, or whether they have been affected by suicide or poor mental health through a friend or family.  


The sessions will consist of 1 hour of yoga, facilitated by Central Wellness instructor John, followed by a 15 minute refreshment break, then 1 hour of group support with NWCH counsellor Amy. 


The aim of this is to incorporate the benefits of gentle exercise and mindfulness that yoga brings, with the opportunity to speak to a counsellor in a group setting, in company with people who can relate to one another, providing a support network and benefits through shared experiences. 


Yoga sessions will be fully accessible, being modified to allow those who may have physical or mobility issues to complete the classes too.


To book on, follow the Eventbrite Link: Healthy Body, Healthy Mind project Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite 

Please note: whichever date you book onto, you are also booking onto the 5 weeks following that session. 

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Message Sent By
Kimberley Pickett
(Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire, Safer Together Team, Lincolnshire)

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