Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner
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Boston Residents Survey - Community Alcohol Partnership

Message sent on behalf of Boston Community Alcohol Partnership.


Each year, we organise a survey of residents.  The results often provide a useful source of information for us to use in CAP meetings and elsewhere.  Would you be able to help publicise the Residents Survey 2024 via any websites or social media you have access to please?  I’ve written a narrative that includes the survey monkey link.  The last time it went out, it didn’t result in a great deal of responses. Could it be circulated again please?


Boston Residents Survey 2024

The Boston Community Alcohol Partnership is focused on bringing the local authorities, police, schools, retailers, neighbourhood groups and health providers together to tackle alcohol-related harm to young people and improve the quality of life for residents.  The CAP works closely with the local schools to take a proactive approach to alcohol education, to ensure that young people are equipped to make the right decisions about issues including drugs, anti-social and criminal behaviour.  It also works with local retailers to help them avoid making underage sales and reduce ‘proxy’ sales where adults buy alcohol for under-18s. 

The Partnership would like residents to complete this short survey. It will help them to understand where public concerns are and help direct their work to resolve the issues.

Please click on the survey monkey link to access the survey. It will take a maximum of 5 minutes to complete. 

Boston Residents Survey 2024 - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/77GN5XZ


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Message Sent By
Alan Osborne
(Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire, Safer Together Team, Lincolnshire)

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