Police and Crime Commissioner Marc Jones and Chief Constable Paul Gibson explain how the extra Council Tax raised this year will be spent to keep you and your community safe Success Lincolnshire Police will seek to maintain: Answering 999 calls quickly. Last year Lincolnshire Police were top of a national league table – answering more calls within 10 seconds (96.9%) than any other force.Tackling theft and property crime. Burglary was reduced by 22% last year – much better than the national average of -4%. Theft offences were down 9% while the national average was up by 2%.Efficient management of the circa 55,000 lawfully held shotguns and firearms in Lincolnshire. Consistently one of the best forces in this area leading to safer communities.Quality victims’ services. The PCC’s in-house service Victim Lincs has recently been praised by assessors for being “a remarkable example of best practice”.Improvements Lincolnshire Police will focus on: Improving how it allocates, supervises and carries out investigations to build on their already better than average ‘outcomes’ for crime.Understand demand better and improve the quality of data so the Force can prioritise and deploy resources into supporting the most vulnerable people and targeting those offenders who pose the greatest risk to the public.Further improve how the risks posed by registered sex offenders are managed to keep communities feeling and being safe.Manage and deploy officers and staff efficiently and effectively including management of those on restricted duties and long-term sick.To find out more about your police Council Tax, including how much is received and how it is spent, visit our Council Tax webpage |